With all the standard features of an entry-level graphing calculator, the FX-9750GIII supports students and educators from middle school to high school and into college. Its icon-based menu is simple to navigate and the soft menus make it easy to access functionality for common tasks. The intuitive software design facilitates a student’s grasp of mathematical concepts by encouraging engagement with mathematics rather than the memorization of keys to effectively promote student success.
- Non-CAS graphing calculator offers 21-character, 8-line 128 x 64 dot matrix display for showing graphs and charts
- Explore math expressions in symbolic form, see patterns, and understand the math behind the formulas
- Powered by four AAA batteries
- Comes loaded with 62KB RAM to tackle complex computing
- Suggested courses: pre-algebra, algebra I and II, geometry, trigonometry, AP calculus, AP statistics, biology, physics, business and finance
- Graph rectangular, polar, and parametric functions and inequalities, graphical analysis, streamlined solving for intercepts, intersections, and more
- Capable of graphing x= relations, numerical differentiation and integration, prior entry recall, and complex number calculations; create tables of values from given functions and generate plots and graphs from tables; easily calculate values for given independent/dependent values
- Built-in graphing of conic sections, interactive equation solver, statistics regressions and graphical displays, recursive sequences, capture, clip, and paste capabilities, matrix operations, and inverses
- Icon menu provides easy access to advanced functions
- Includes a hard case
- Comes in pink