- Don’t Lose Your Credit Cards. LootLock’s no-stretch casing was built for security. Easily lock 1-3 cards or cash in place. Even if you drop LootLock, your cash and cards will stay.
- More Privacy = More Peace of Mind. For total security, flip LootLock’s storage casing over & snap into place to completely conceal your cards, cash, or ID.
- Wireless Charging is a Snap. When you need to charge your mobile device, simply remove LootLock’s casing and snap back into place when you’re charged.
- Quick and Easy Card Access Slot. LootLock’s smooth, card removal technology allows you to easily grab the card you need at any time, not all three.
- Super Slim, Pocket-Friendly Design. LootLock is about the size of a credit card and as thick as three credit cards. It slides smoothly in and out of pockets and other small spaces.
- Works With Most Cases and Devices. LootLock has a universal design that will work with most cases and devices.
Accessories, All Products, Android, Apple, Mobile Accessories
Speck – LootLock Universal Wallet (Pink)
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