The NIMBY carabiner and scented inserts can be used for camping, hiking, picnics, sporting events, fishing, hunting, walking the dog, relaxing in the back yard, or sleeping under the stars. The all-natural disks contain geraniol, eucalyptus, and lemongrass oil, which are more effective than citronella in warding off mosquitoes and other flying insects. Simply insert a new refill into your NIMBY carabiner and you’re ready for the great outdoors!
Scent: Lemon
Dimensions (Overall): 1.54 Inches (H) x 3.27 Inches (W) x .39 Inches (D)
Trial/Travel Size: Yes
Health Facts: Phthalate-Free, Paraben-Free, Deet-Free
Product Warning: No warning applicable
Active Ingredient Strength Value: .85 units
Features: Long Lasting
Treats and/or Prevents Against: Ticks, Mosquitoes, Fleas
Duration: Up to 5 Days
Formulation: Repels Pests, Ready to Use
Product Form: Clip-Ons
Disposability: Do not flush
Primary Active Ingredient: Geraniol
Application Type: Wear On Body Device
Repels By: Smell
Active ingredient 3: Lemongrass Oil
Primary active ingredient percentage: 45
Active ingredient 2 percentage: 45
Active ingredient 3 percentage: 10
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